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About me II% Troops Country GOD America First Trump2020 American Patriot Hardcharger Asskicker of Duty Sleep is overrated we dont have the fucking time for that shit ya can sleep when your death !!

verified on MeWe, RightOnly, Bitchute and Rumble so i am a real person doing 24/7

Active on here and Minds, MeWe, RightOnly, YoReSpot, Parler, Sovren and Memes sometimes on Wimkin

Troop Update Channels on Rumble and Bitchute

Who doesnt want a continueing feed as said i do 24/7 then dont get into this community same as when your easy offended as i am NOT political correct we dont have time for that and i dont play well with all who destroy our country leftists, socialists, communists, moslems , Antifa, BLM and so on i am sworn in enemy of oBama/China HITLER Joe and islam and Trump Supporter TRUMP WON , i am conservative,christian who is a Trump Supporter welcome same as Veterans/Marines/Military welcome i cant stand WOKE folks we need to keep our country and we need TRUMP urgently back in charge before there is NO Country and NO Military left

I stand to the flag and kneel ONLY to GOD

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  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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